lundi 3 novembre 2014

Jennifer MARTY

I spoke with Victoria on Skype but we had some problems with the connection (because of me), so it was really difficult to understand each other.  We could all the same discuss a little. She grew up in Shanghai. It’s a city with many people, visitors and huge buildings but no houses because there isn’t space enough.  So she lived in an apartment. Now she lives in Irvine, in an apartment with three roommates. It’s a safe city without crimes and it’s also a rich city. It’s the West coast so there are many beaches close to the University. Furthermore, we can say that Los Angeles is an international city, with many visitors who come from different countries.
My street, in Biscarrosse

Concerning the suburb in US, there is no building but similar houses, where rich people are living to be away from downtown, in a quietly place. In fact, downtown is an unsafe place in big cities, where people are mainly black or homeless. In France the “banlieue” is located out of the city, defined by huge buildings, where poor people are living. So downtown in US could be like the “banlieue” in France because there are few similarities.

We were talking about the transportations in France and US when we lost the connection again, so we decided to stop the conversation. It was very annoying not to understand all she said but the next time I will go in a better place to have the best connection!

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