Mengyue, we talk about multiculturalism and ethnic diversity.
She comes
from Shanghai so, when she is with her family, they speak Chinese. Her parents
don’t speak English. There are two types of Chinese languages: Mandarin and
Cantonese. Mandarin is more popular in China whereas Cantonese is more spoken
in the United States.
In Irvine
campus, there are around 600 Chinese people but many Mexicans, Koreans, Japanese,
Indians and several Europeans students live there too. She really likes North
American that’s why it could be possible that she becomes the first generation
of American if she stays in USA and have a family there.
Mengyue and
I like travelling and we went in many countries. I moved a lot because ma father was a soldier. She went in England, Singapore,
Thailand, Japan, Canada and Indonesia. When she travels with her friends or family she
takes a lot of photos to have a lot of memories. Personally, I like travelling
to discover different cultures, the way of life of people in other countries
and visit the monuments… As Mengyue, I take a lot of photos too.
France is a
multicultural society because residents have different origins. There are French
people but also Arabs from North Africa, black people from the rest of the
Africa and Chinese people. That’s why in big French cities there are different districts
where groups of people with the same origin live together. For example most of
Chinese people in Paris live in the 13th district (I lived there
until I was 4). Mengyue said that it is almost the same thing in Los Angeles
(and USA) and it is named melting pot (migrants who are now the second generation
of American: people who come from another country but whose their children were
born in USA). In Los Angeles, Chinese
district is poor, dirty and noisy but there are a lot of good Chinese restaurants.
Furthermore, “ABC” is the nickname for American Born Chinese (I found that
funny). I
would really like to go to the USA one day!
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