lundi 3 novembre 2014

Léa Bourgoin

On Sunday, I talked with Vanessa but not with the video because she was sick and she couldn’t speak! During half an hour we spoke about our life. Vanessa went to a pumpkin patch and I saw some pictures on facebook. She also went to a Halloween party and her costume was a bank thief!
And then we talked about the city we lived.

Vanessa was born in Taipei and it’s her favorite town because there is a lot of things to do and the food is delicious! It’s a modern and beautiful city. She thinks that people who live there are nice.
When she was 3, she moved in Shanghai, in China and lived here during 6 years. Shanghai looks like Taipei but people are not as friendly as those in Taipei.
Those two towns are big and there is a lot of transport but the subway is cleaner in Taipei.

On theses pictures it's Taipei. On the left : Chiang kai-shek memorial hall

 When she was 8 she moved in California. She lived in Diamond Bar during 3 years, in Chino Hills during 6 years and during one year in Whitter. Now she’s living at Irvine. When she arrived in America she already spoke English because she was in an American school when she lived in Shanghai and she visited her aunt in America every summer.
Diamond Bar, Chino Hills and Whitter are a part of the suburb of Los Angeles. Suburbs in California are typically for upper middle class.
Rich people live in the city near the beach and poor people live in the projects (it’s like the HLM in France)
Now she is in Irvine Campus. It’s a rich campus and student has Mercedes or porches!

on this picture we can see the residence where Vanessa live, a center commercial where students go after school, the building where she studies and a typical house of the suburb she lived.

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