mardi 21 octobre 2014

Eva Revellat

Hello, my name is Eva. I am 22 years old. I was born in Albi, but I have never lived there.
I am from Toulouse (southwestern
France), her nickname is the “pink city” because all the buildings are pink.


Because of my dad, I moved a lot, I lived in Orleans, in Reunion. (It’s a beautiful island.)
And now I live in Bordeaux, for my study. I study food industry, I always like biology. When I am a child I want to be a veterinary but the study was too hard for me.
The last year I practice fencing it was really funny; I thought I was a knight haha.
I have a sister, her name is Laurie. During my free time, I like to go shopping, cinema and see my friends. I have a little hamster and a cat.
My sister and me

 My partner is Jasmine. She is 20 years old and she studies sociology at university. She likes belly dancing. She has a very big family. I have not spoken with Jasmine yet, but I hope to do very soon, when we will find a common time to speak.

Bye, bye


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