mardi 21 octobre 2014

Hi !
My name is Léa Bourgoin, I’m 21.
I come from Rennes which is in Brittany.
I have a sister of 16 years old and she’s in a French high school (she is on the right on the picture)
After my French secondary school diploma, I went to the University of Rennes during 2 years to do a Bachelor of Science in the field of biology but I didn’t do the third year because I wanted to integrate an engineering school. Finally, I integrate the ENSCBP in the area of food science, my single choice!

Outside the school I like doing some sports like badminton and fitness and when I come back in Rennes I play music with my sister (I play piano and she plays saxophone).
I also enjoy watching series like pretty little liars, vampire diaries, revenge, arrow, grey's anatomy and game of throne!

On Saturday, the 18 of October, I chat with Vanessa on Skype. It was a great experience even if the connection was bad!
She is at the University of Irvin to study English and French. She also speaks Chinese that’s why she would like to study at the United Nations as a translator.
She is born in Taïwan and she moved with her mother to the United States when she was 8. Then, her mother remarries so Vanessa got a step father and a half brother.
Her father lives in China so she misses him.

She has already been in France in Paris, Nice, Avignon an Aix en provence and she loves French culture, that’s why she would like to study in Paris.
During her free time, she enjoy whatching TV show like friends, How I met you mother or Scandal, listening to music, going out with her friends.

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