mardi 21 octobre 2014

Marine Thomas


My name is Marine and I'm 20. I live in Bordeaux for school, but every weekend I go back to Marmande which is a town 1 hour from Bordeaux where all my family lives. Marmande is a small town known for its tomatoes and strawberries but also for a music festival called Garorock which takes place every year in July.
 I spent two years in " prépa" which is two-year intensive undergraduate studies in biology.  Now I am a first year student at an engineering school named ENSCBP (graduate school of Chemistry, Biology and Physics) and I study food science because I would like to work in chocolate industry.
 I have got a little sister, Maïlys, who is 16 and I like to spend time with her.
I have done Athletics for 10 years, more precisely I do high jump and sprint too (100 / 200 m). I love this sport, and my training team is awesome and we have a lot of fun together!

My penfriend is Rachel, we skyped yesterday night but just for a few minutes because it was late in France and she had to go to school. She is from Los Angeles and she has 2 brothers : Ben and Sam. She is learning French and also education because she wants to become a teacher. Rachel also prictices rhythmic gymnastics and she has gotten to a high level! We also talked about traveling and she told me that she has been to France and she likes the South of our country. We didn’t talk much but we planned to skype again soon! 

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